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9 January 2018

History and proficiency: discover why CEA welding machines are worth buying

CEA has long been proclaimed as one of the worldwide leaders in the welding machine industry thanks to its innovative approaches to design and ever-improving technical prowess. But what led them to this path of success? What makes these welding machines worth purchasing?


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An incredible history

Since its birth in 1950, CEA has been in a constant state of evolution and has consistently proved itself as one of the best and most reliable companies in the welding industry. This has been exemplified by their numerous, highly-innovative, technological breakthroughs that have not only met with market demands but changed the industry. As well as their sustained efforts to satisfy a wider scope of customers’ needs through consistently broadening the product range available. It is this history that has made them the great company that they are today, secured their success and ensured that they have a large, dedicated consumer audience, that spans across many countries, dedicated to purchasing from them. Now let’s look at some of the reasons why CEA’s welding machines are worth the hype.

Innovation is key

With an extensive product range, that goes above and beyond what is offered by other companies in the industry, CEA is not only constantly moving forward in terms of technological innovations, but also regarding research and development. With their excellent welding characteristics, reliability, forward-thinking design and strict adherence to international standards, they have been placed on the path to success, gaining critical acclaim and capturing a large consumer audience.

Meticulous product procedures

Not only is it their innovative approach to designing products that put them a step ahead of the competition, it is their meticulous product procedures. The strict controls that are set in place at each step of the manufacturing process, from the reception of incoming materials to the final strict computerised quality checks on the end product, all ensure that each product that leaves the warehouse is of the highest possible standard and that they fully satisfy the Total Quality criteria. This care and attention to detail has secured CEA the prestigious status as an ISO9001 certified company, a certification that they gained in early 1994.

The people of CEA

Now the greatest asset that CEA has to offer is its people. The strong team spirit that has evolved within the company is easy to detect at every level of the organisation as is emphasised by the repetition of the moto ‘Welding Together’. This philosophy reflects CEA’s ever-growing commitment to establishing a solid and long-lasting relationship with all of its dealers and each one of the users of their products. With CEA, there is a unity unlike other companies which makes us certain that once we finalise the payment for the welding machine, we will not be abandoned. We will continue to be supported.

Top Quality Service

The level of service that you will acquire when you purchase CEA welding machines means that these machines are worth buying. The service centres are filled with highly qualified individuals, equipped with all the answers to help you. These centres are constantly updated by means of a meticulous online communication network. This ensures a prompt and efficient after-sales intervention with the primary goal of immediately solving any problem and providing every user with the best possible service. Customer service is key when it comes to purchasing a welding machine, you must ensure that you have a reliable company to refer to if there are issues or problems with your machinery.

A Green Attitude

Caring for the environment has become an important aspect of CEA’s corporate philosophy as has been proved by its manufacturing processes. The manufacturing processes focus on state-of-the-art inverter technology power sources which improve the efficiency of its power components. Securing less energy consuming activities and copying environment “green” standards have ensured that recycling and upcycling is possible. This is another reason why these machines are worth buying, you can have a reliable machine that is also less damaging for the environment.

Well, there you have it, the history and proficiencies of CEA welding machines.
