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15 April 2019

Synergic inverter welding machine: the CEA Welding solution is QUbox

In the CEA line dedicated to Multiprocess Inverter MIG welding machines, the sturdiness and cutting edge technologies of QUBOX make this machine the ideal tool for use in industry, even when there are no highly specialised welders.


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The main features of the QUBOX inverter welding machine


QUBOX is perfect for professional use in factories, construction sites and anywhere that high precision and the repeatability of the work is required.

This type of system can be used for:

  • MIG-MAG welding
  • Stick welding
  • MIG welding with special processes
  • TIG-lift welding


The main advantages and features that make these welding machines unique are: 

  • Digital control that enables selecting specific welding programs depending on the material to be welded, the diameter of the wire used, and the shielding gas connected
  • Storage for 99 custom welding programs that can be selected through the “smart PROGRAM” button
  • Precise arc ignition
  • Functions to reduce energy consumption
  • Machine self-diagnostics
  • Voltage Reduction Device (VRD), a safety system that lowers unloaded voltage when the generator is not welding


Even the wire feeder, separate from the welding machine, has excellent features: digitally controlled parameters, 4 large dual-wire rolls for seamlessly feeding the wire, possibility of containing wire rolls with diameter up to 300 mm.

Read also: " Industry 4.0 applications: Digitech VP2: Inverter welding machine designed by CEA "



Special processes with vision.ARC software


 Inverter welding machine designed by CEA

With the vision.ARC software applied to QUBOX welding machines, it is possible to use the special MIG MAG welding processes designed by CEA for specific uses:

  • PIPE for the initial welding pass on pipes
  • ULTRASPEED to increase welding speed
  • COLD to lower the heat input for welding thin sections
  • POWER to ensure high-penetration on medium/thick sections

CEA has over 65 years of experience, which allows our company to tackle and resolve all the issues our customers come to us with, creating systems for welding that’s always cutting edge.

